Data and Analytics

Data is the core of modern business. Databases themselves were originally created because data always outlives the current application and use cases. This has never been more apparent than in these times of rapid innovation in analytics, data science, and data visualization. Users expect their data to be at their fingertips on all devices, up to date, and explorable in many ways. Gone are the days of trying to solve every problem with a monolithic relational database. We choose the right solution for the problem - relational, document, analytical/big data, graph, textual, NoSql, time series.

AVM Data Analytics Service
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Database Architecture Service
Database Architecture

We understand your data and your business problems to collaboratively architect a data solution that meets your challenges. This can include physical and logical (schema) migrations. We incorporate data changes, monitoring, and management into the DevSecOps strategy tailored for you.

Analytics Service

Transforming data into valuable insights has been one of the most innovative and rapidly changing areas of technology. Data Lakes can accommodate structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data but require planning and management to avoid becoming “data swamps”. We can help you find the right choices from the overwhelming amount of data governance, reporting, visualization, and analysis tools

Data Engineering Service
Data Engineering

Data movement is complex in modern distributed architectures. To keep up, in addition to traditional ETL, data engineering can include streaming, pipelines, mining and Big Data components. This requires an “everything as software” approach known as DataOps. We can ensure that your data engineering is flexible and maintainable.

Oracle Service

We are an AWS Oracle Competency Partner and have handled the migration and management of Oracle workloads from on premise to cloud as well as cloud to cloud. We provide configuration, backup, virtualization and clustering - HA, RAC, Data Guard as well as licensing and cost optimization.

Data and Analytics

To get your data aligned
1818 Library St. Suite 500, Reston, VA 20190

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Case Studies

IntegraConnect Case Study


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Jaanuu Case Study


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BlueAcorn Case Study


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Edmodo Case Study


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Amuse Case Study


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Allstate Case Study


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PriceSpider Case Study


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Pricespider Case Study


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Edmodo Case Study


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Match Case Study


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H&R Block Case Study

H&R Block

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