Problem Description:

Blueacorn is a financial service provider that helps small businesses, independent contractors, and self-employed individuals with their financial needs. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the company focused on acting as a lender and helping these groups secure Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding.

To accommodate the fluctuating traffic patterns, it was important for Blueacorn to have a scalable infrastructure with the ability to scale up or down and adjust capacity as needed. AVM assisted with building a resilient infrastructure and optimizing service delivery through rightsizing, resulting in cost savings.

Solutions Highlights:

In order to support the high volume of businesses using Blueacorn’s services to apply for PPP funding, it was necessary to enhance the existing infrastructure to handle the traffic. AVM was enlisted to improve the resilience of the infrastructure using various services such as DynamoDB, EC2, RDS, S3, Auto Scaling group, LoadBalancers, GitHub Actions, Kubernetes, Helm Charts, Terraform, and Snowflake.

AVM was able to enhance the dynamic capabilities of the infrastructure to adapt to changing demand and assisted with rightsizing resources to achieve cost savings. AVM also was efficient in addressing any immediate requirements for resource modifications or addition, implementing security, and establishing strong role-based access management. 

Additionally, AVM helped the company migrate its data from legacy disconnected systems to new generation Snowflake datalake, by designing and implementing a Snowflake architecture specific to their use case and data needs, ensuring proper formatting and structure for optimal performance while also making certain that the Snowflake implementation meets industry standards for security and compliance.